For December, we continue using our 7 UU principles, finishing the 3rd principle and moving on to the 4th UU principle.
How it works: Read the intention for the week. Each day, decide when you’ll engage the practice: Perhaps first thing, before getting up; or over breakfast; or in the middle of the day, over lunch; or at the end of the day, before going to bed. Keep a journal (or make notes on your computer or phone): What do you notice, what was hard, what was easy, how did it affect you, what are you learning? We stay with one intention per week, because it takes practice (and sometimes we forget or get distracted).
(Concluding November’s focus on the 3rd principle, acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth)
Nov 28-Dec 4 – Moving into December, what gifts of acceptance do I receive from others? How do others support my spiritual growth?
(Starting a new focus on the 4th principle, a free and responsible search for truth and meaning)
Dec 5-Dec 11 – In this time of lengthening nights and shortening days, how do you orient yourself toward truth?
Dec 12-18 – As you prepare for the winter holidays, what is true for you in your needs at this time of year? What is true in your hopes and expectations?
Dec 19-25 – In this week that ends with Christmas day, the birth of the divine child within, what truth is being born in you?
Dec 26-Jan 1 – In this week that ends with the beginning of a new calendar year, what is the meaning for you in the cycle of winter celebrations?
May your UU spiritual practice go well!
Rev. Mary