This month’s theme is Generosity. November is the month of elections and Thanksgiving, opening us to the generosity of spirit necessary for democracy: – I defend your vote and you defend mine; we may not agree on all issues, our community must respect and reflect all of us. Holding space for one another generates (i.e. creates) community: a field of awareness, of attunement,shared cultural values, vulnerability, creativity. Democracy expects and needs us to create this field with all and each of us. And to use this generative field in all our choices as citizens – electing school board members, local mayors and council people, state and national representatives. We create this field, we generate this field together.

As we are more honest about the brutality of colonial times, the limitations as well as the vision of our founders, may we widen our Thanksgiving story to include and celebrate this astonishing power we generate in community together: People power. The real common good.

May we become skillful with its power of heart, interconnection, compassion. May we allow it to heal our irritation, projection, prejudice and blame of our fellow citizens.

May we take seriously the responsibility of this generative power as citizens of democracy.

May we be thankful for our ancestors’ journeys over thousands of years of vision and struggle that bring us to this time and this practice together.

May we be good stewards of the generativity of the congregations we co-create and sustain.

May we do our duty as citizens, neighbors, members and friends.

May we generously share ourselves with one another, and receive the gifts of generosity with gratitude, thankful.

In Fellowship,