With escalating political attacks on the rule of law, health care, the environment, women, immigrants, Muslims and people of color, I felt compelled to attend GA (General Assembly), the UU Association’s annual gathering, where we  sing and explore how we who live by the seven UU principles might make a difference, how our faith tradition might bring hope to us and to our culture, gripped by manipulation and blame, fear and reactivity. I heard an answer: By our relationships with one another. Across divides of race and gender, class and ability, age and theology. A beloved African American colleague shared not just what happened to him in our movement, but how he’d felt, losing faith in our movement again and again. One colleague after another, sharing vulnerability and betrayal. We wept. An African American elder who walked out of UUism in 1968, told the story of despairing at losing his UU faith home. Ending his remarks, present with thousands of UUs gathered for racial justice and healing, tears welling, he gave voice, gave heart, to what we all hope: that we are ready, that he is again home.

Being in the pressure cooker at GA shows us where we might go together, beyond carefully constructed facades. Opening to the heart’s yearning for wholeness, moving through all of us, beyond fear-based divisions. Not having all the answers. Knowing it takes you and me. Trusting in our covenant with each other. Living by our shared principles. Holding each other accountable. Trusting in Life’s yearning for healing and wholeness, in us and in our communities