The Mankind Project

Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Congregation 5050 Porter Road, North Olmsted, OH, United States

TED Talk: My Black Year

Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Congregation 5050 Porter Road, North Olmsted, OH, United States

Margarita Anderson and her family were featured in national headlines as they lived exclusively off Black businesses, professionals, and products for an entire year.…

Small Church Webinar

Zoom 5050 Porter Road, North Olmsted, United States

Small Numbers, Infinite Possibilities is a year of learning and connection for Smaller Congregations brought to you by the Regional UUA Congregational Life Staff.We…

Sunday Service: Resilience in an Age of Anxiety

Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Congregation 5050 Porter Road, North Olmsted, OH, United States

We'll explore resilience as a spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological skill to help us navigate the rising wave of anxiety in our culture. Our…

Poetry Group

Zoom 5050 Porter Road, North Olmsted, United States

Please bring a favorite poem to share or your own poetry to read. Meeting at the home of Emily W. Email ( for address.…