Social Justice

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to our social action efforts, making real our shared Unitarian Universalist beliefs in the worth and dignity of every person, and justice and compassion in human relations.

Social Action at Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Social Action and Social Justice are very important at OUUC, as we find ways to live the values expressed in our UU Principles and Purposes. Members and friends of OUUC believe in working to make the world a better place, taking action to care for others and the earth itself, and supporting causes devoted to social justice and equality. The Social Action Committee is active and strongly supported by the entire congregation, by their participation in activities and with their donations. The children and youth of the church are included in Social Action, sometimes with their own projects and sometimes with support and help for whole church projects.

In the past, the church has helped the Urban Hope UU Community provide Sunday meals and a place to gather for residents of their inner city neighborhood, supported the annual Cleveland Homeless Standdown with personal care supplies and bus passes, raised awareness and money to support the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, sponsored a member on the March of Dimes Walk for Babies, and donated food and money to the North Olmsted Food Pantry.

The church is also a supporting member of UU Justice Ohio and an official “Welcoming Congregation” of the UUA. We practice Green Sanctuary principles by conserving energy and recycling at the church.

You are always welcome at Social Justice Efforts in UU churches and in the area and state.

Details about UU social justice work in Ohio can be found at