A line from a song I heard at General Assembly asks: “Change is coming. What do we need to imagine? (by Molly Bajgot)

Pandemic disruptions thrust forward choices for change: Meeting in person or Zoom or both? Working from home or at the office? Americans balked at working 40+ hours per week and rejected productivity to measure self-worth.

We discovered our need for community, spontaneous acts of kindness, singing, holding hands.

We noticed unsafe driving.

We hear of more and more people who were and continue to be isolated.

What do we need to imagine?

As summer turns toward fall, we prepare for a new year of congregational life. What changes are calling to us? What does Life need us to imagine, so that we learn new skille to co-create forms, programs, services?

Change can be scary when we focus only on loss.

May we be present to one another, acknowledging loss, celebrating what we loved, what we learned, what we?re releasing.

Change can be welcoming – exhilarating – when we accept that we and everyone are always in flux. How may we go with the flow, grow with the flow this month? What structures may we imagine and create in our congregation, to navigate waters of change and be of benefit to our community?

So grateful for spiritual community where we witness change and may imagine and create together what is needed.

A good August to all,