The Soul Matters theme for January is Living with Intention – a shift from New Year’s Resolutions – which focus on the future – to the daily practice of setting and living from intention. Resolutions may come from wishful thinking,
self-criticism or cultural convention. Intentions arise from the heart and are held in the mind, to keep us focused, in tune with our deepest values.

How do we do this? Each of us creates our own way. For me, I notice the breath; becoming still, breathing into the area of the heart, I ask, “What would bring me fully present right here, right now? What would be of benefit today, this week, this month?” Allowing myself to listen.

What happens when we ask? Sometimes I don’t hear anything. Sometimes I notice for the first time how tired I am or irritated or sad or ready to take action. Sometimes the answer comes as a feeling or a picture or a memory. This past year, I felt, “Gentleness.” I heard, “Be gentle with yourself.” “Slow down.” I felt my eyes lifting, “Look Up.” I heard, “Enjoy what you’re doing.”

Intentions start in us individually. But they don’t stay there. When I’m gentle with myself, I’m gentle with others. When I slow down and look up, I see you and my heart opens. To be of benefit, we have to be fully present, not trapped in habits, opinions, assumptions. To help heal the world, we have to be in our hearts, grounded in our love for life. We ‘get there’ with intention, moment by moment, breath by breath, together.
