Monthly in-person conversations at Kendal in Oberlin. On 4th Tuesdays, 2-3 pm, explore the Olmsted UU theme of the month. Conversation and check-in facilitated…
Our What Would Jesus Do? Covenant Group deliberations will center around radical religious hospitality as spiritual practice. We will focus on returning to the…
UUA Common Read: On Repentance & Repair by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg offers a perspective and process for restoration and healing. Whereas forgiveness in American…
Exploring spiritual growth through the metaphors, stories, roles and relationships, wisdom and humor of dreams. Bring a dream (or dream cameo) to share. All…
UUA Common Read: On Repentance & Repair by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg offers a perspective and process for restoration and healing. Whereas forgiveness in American…
Monthly in-person conversations at Kendal in Oberlin. On 4th Tuesdays, 2-3 pm, explore the Olmsted UU theme of the month. Conversation and check-in facilitated…
Our What Would Jesus Do? Covenant Group deliberations will center around radical religious hospitality as spiritual practice. We will focus on returning to the…