Where does your mind go when you hear the word, “renewal”? For me, it’s library books I meant to read but….. In our “to do” culture, it’s easier to think of renewing some “thing,” out there, than to apply that verb – that spiritual practice – to ourselves.

For teachers, professors, students and ministers, for UU congregations, June marks the end of the school or congregational year. We pace ourselves to get through whatever “programs” we’re part of. And we tend toward depletion by the end. Like pacing ourselves for a race. Then what happens?

We living systems seem wired for renewal. When depleted, our bodies resist taking on more. But what of our minds and spirits? Choice matters.

For me, renewal asks us to open to choice, not just numbing out, shutting down. It asks us to let go of old habits, with self-kindness. And to bring curiosity to unfamiliar landscapes and possibilities opening at their own pace.

This is a powerful moment for me, writing my last Mary’s Musings column. Our shared ministry ends on June 30: not just the end of a year’s cycle, but of 12 years at Olmsted and 13 years inn Oberlin.

Both congregations planned beautiful gatherings to celebrate the journey we’ve shared together, daring to bring our whole selves into community, to grow together in service to Love and justice. You have touched me beyond what words can say. In sharing your lives – your stories, challenges and joys, your feelings and needs – you helped me become more aware of and to share my own. In daring to grow, you encouraged me to grow. In opening your heart to others, you helped me open mine to you, again and again.

How is Renewal calling you now?

What cycles are coming to conclusion for you?

What challenges and gifts have they brought you?

How may you honor and celebrate them, as steps toward renewal?

What do you already know about renewal?
What helps you open to new life all around you? And within you?

May this be a month to support each other in bringing awareness to the end of one cycle, taking in the learnings, the gifts we’ve given to one another, in preparation for a new cycle, new beginnings, for the congregation, for each one of us.

May we all slow down to be present to Life as it continues to show up and shine all around us. May we allow it to fill us up, so we too may show up and shine – the real gift of Renewal!

In Fellowship,
Rev. Mary