• Instead of telling you what to believe about religion, we thought you might have a few ideas of your own.

    A religious home where your questions are welcome, your children can grow, and you can find friends and form community.

    Ours is a religion that puts its faith in you.

    Join us this Sunday at 11 am.
    We look forward to meeting you.

  • Instead of telling you what to believe, we thought you might have a few ideas of your own.

    A religious home where your questions are welcome, your children can grow, and you can find friends and form community.

    Ours is a religion that puts its faith in you.

    Join us this Sunday at 11 am.
    We look forward to meeting you.

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The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.

Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek, and ye shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Holly Word


Ours is a spiritually open and justice-centered tradition for keeping faith with Life. Unitarian Universalists search for truth along many paths. Instead of centering on specific beliefs, we gather around shared moral values that include the inherent worth and dignity of every person and respect for the interdependent web of life.

Welcome from the Minister


Alcoholics Anonymous

A closed meeting for AA members only

Religious Exploration for Children and Youth

The goal of our Religious Exploration program is to provide a safe, welcoming, loving environment, which is founded in the Seven UU Principles, encourages…

TED Talk: The Art of Stillness

The place that travel writer Pico Iyer would most like to go? Nowhere. In a counterintuitive and lyrical meditation, Iyer takes a look at…

Ministerial Musings

Signs of Caring Community, 2






With political hyperbole and divisiveness filling the airwaves, creating reactivity, I’ve been looking for signs that caring community is alive and well. Here’s an…

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About Us

Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Congregation is a progressive spiritual community founded in 1834. We welcome people of all ages and abilities, races and ethnicities, gender identities and sexual expressions.


We offer programs for spiritual exploration, ethical discernment, and social justice. Our programs are open to everyone.

Intro to Islam class handout

Click here for a copy of “A Note from Your Muslim Neighbor”